Как будет распределяться прибыль в проекте? Отвечает Павел Филиппов

Как будет распределяться прибыль в проекте? Отвечает Павел Филиппов

The project is developing rapidly and gradually shifting from theory to practice. It’s only logical that the questions appear about how the company profit will be distributed between the following – dividends, reinvesting into production expansion and adjacent projects, profit to other company co-owners. Part of the profit will be definitely reinvested, since it paves the way for the future profit

50 % of the future profit will be distributed between the project investors in form of dividends, just as it has been stated before.

The worries of the investors concerning reinvestment have no objective ground.

Because it’s aimed at boosting not only the company’s profit, but also the investors’ profit.

The exact distribution figures will be defined by the project top officials taking into consideration the opinion of the investors.