Project news from Dmitriy Duyunov

Project news from Dmitriy Duyunov

The scope of work in the laboratory keeps on growing with every day:

1) The tests of general purpose industrial motors with both standard and “Slavyanka” modernized winding are being conducted.

2) We have obtained interesting results of tests in which we compared the motors produced nowadays with the similar motors in terms of size and power, but produced in the Soviet Union.

As a result: a Soviet Union motor containing much more electrical steel demonstrated the performance in accordance with the catalogued data while a whole range of modern motors ranked below the stated parameters.

3) Igor Korkhov and Alexander Sudarev are preparing a video which vividly demonstrates that the motors produced in Russia have certain parts manufactured in China.

4) Now the results of the conducted tests are being processed, the materials with the clarifications will be prepared and the results will be published in high-profile periodicals.

In order to bring the laboratory to the regular operation mode the team needs to conduct all the tests as soon as possible and, upon the completion of testing, check the software and engineering, methodologies and the whole scope of procedures that have been completed, for the work process optimization.

The scope of work in the other areas is just as big:
- the commissioning of the laser equipment continues in the laser area;
- the modelling works in the software and hardware system are underway, part of the models have already been created;
- the work on two patent applications with “SovElMash” as their future rightholder continues;
- the tooling for the first casting machines is being made ready;
- testing of our own controller continues.