Offer "Bring a friend"

Offer "Bring a friend"

Are you going to the project's conference on February 16?
You can learn about the event in more detail here - /news/posts/mezdunarodnaya-konferenciya-proekta-dvigateli-duyunova-sostoitsya-16-fevralya-v-moskve-703

Conditions: Bring a friend who is not registered in the project. We will register your friend before the conference and give the two of you 500 investment shares!
After the registration the two of you will be given a confirmation coupon divided into two parts.

This is an excellent start for your friend and a nice bonus for you.
Bring 10 friends and you will get 2,500 shares because gift shares are summed.

Important: Your friend should undergo verification in the project's back office within 14 days after the registration. Otherwise the gift shares will be annulled for both parties.