Where and how will airships be deployed in cities? IN LAYMAN'S TERMS with Alexander Mynko
Find out who is building airships in Russia and how it is being done.
How can an airship be used in urban areas? What about high-rise buildings, power lines and lofty trees?
But first things first, everything about the past, present and future of airships in the podcast about airships IN LAYMAN'S TERMS with Alexander Mynko.
The episode was prepared with the support of the experts in airship construction in Russia, the Chief Airship Designer Vadim Zubkevich and Chief Scientific Officer at AERONOVA Dmitriy Khmel.
Today we will find out:
• what kind of platform is required for an airship to take off
• where airships will pick up and drop off passengers
• how the British R100 and R101 docked at skyscrapers.
Watch the episode to the end! Alexander will tell you about the tricks with the aircraft power units.