Намоточный станок в лаборатории Дуюнова

Намоточный станок в лаборатории Дуюнова

A winding machine for the automation of the motor winding operating process has recently arrived to the laboratory.

The machine was unpacked, mounted and prepared for startup.

Dmitriy Duyunov carried out a tentative introductory startup of the machine in order to show and comment upon the step-by-step motor winding procedure.

After the test run Duyunov summarized that all assembly units and parts exhibit normal operation. He also showed a device for visualizing the results of the machine operation and introducing alterations to the machine software.
The team plans include working on programming the machine and completing the winding of the first motor sections which will be used for checking the winding geometry and correctness. The first motor with the machine winding is to be used for a scooter which after completing all the preparatory works will be sent to the Russian Army, Air Force and Navy Volunteer Society
Progressively as the works are being completed, a series of videos will be made featuring the complete winding process. Follow the news in the group and on our YouTube channel.