1 year since the start of the project investment. How did it all begin?

1 year since the start of the project investment. How did it all begin?

As far back as a year ago, the company office was located in some small premises, personal account, there was no website, and the main source of information was Vkontakte group. It should be mentioned that even back then a great number of people invested in the technology primarily out of their wish to help with developing it. And the project was and is developing rapidly exceeding all expectations.

A year later the company has its website, personal account, payment acceptance merchant and over 4,500 investors and partners all over the world. More than 200 million roubles was raised by means of crowdinvesting

The raised investments were used to purchase new top-quality equipment thanks to which the laboratory and production floor were organized.

The team has two large-scale offline conferences behind its back.

Now all investments are supported legally by the agreements, which have recently become available in the personal account.

In the new year we are aiming at acquiring the resident status of Alabushevo SEZ and producing the first pilot batch of hub motors!