What you need to complete in order to get the company's shares: a step-by-step plan

What you need to complete in order to get the company's shares: a step-by-step plan

Before the investors are able to obtain the company's shares in Sovelmash, the company needs to take the following steps.

1.Obtain the certificate of construction completion (CC). By now, all the inspections have been passed, and the company is expecting the issuance of the CC.

2.Obtain a commissioning permit. For this purpose the process equipment has been purchased and is ready for launching, workplaces have been arranged. After obtaining the CC, the supervisory authorities will inspect the enterprise and issue the permit.

3. Redeem the land plot on which the D&E is located.

4.Evaluate tangible and intangible assets and place them on the balance sheet of the enterprise.

5.Conduct reorganization by transforming the limited liability company into a joint stock company and issue company's shares through the Bank of Russia.

6.Transfer to SOLARGROUP the company's shares in Sovelmash amounting to 49%, and SOLARGROUP in its turn will distribute them between the investors. Please be reminded that investors can apply for transferring the company's shares to personal management or management through the SOLARGROUP back office, which removes the need to legally re-register the securities on behalf of the investor.

Right now you can prepare for acquiring the company's shares: complete verification and update your personal details, if you haven't done so yet. Then file a request for the company's shares, if this option is available to you in the back office.

Please visit the back office to find out more details on how to submit a request and choose a way to manage your investment shares.

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