Project news from Dmitriy Duyunov
The works on starting and setting up the equipment are underway: the compressed air supply system and compressor were started, but the startup of the nitrogen plant was put off for a while in order to conduct additional debugging.
In order to start mounting the laser equipment, it’s necessary to complete all the works with the electrics. This task will be completed this week.
Two-wheeled vehicles for the future meeting with the investors on June 30 are being prepared. The maintenance and check-up of the motors and controllers has been completed.
It is planned to manage to prepare two electric bicycles with different motors, so that anyone who wishes could compare them by testing each bicycle in real-time mode.
And the laboratory works on checking the developed testing procedures and programs for drawing up the documents which are a constituent part of specifications for rotating electrical machines with combined winding. In parallel with that, the testing programs are being written. After completing these works the next stage of preparing the laboratory for approval will start.